Ponteland High School Lockers
Project Details
Client: Ponteland High School
Subcontractor: Sangwin Educational Furniture
Location: Ponteland
Project Type: Education
Project Value (approx): 57m
Year Completed: 2020

Project Overview
Our Glass Lockers with a mixture of three and six compartments filled the changing rooms in Ponteland High School, suitable for both wet and dry environment. Two main colours of white and blue were used for the locker glass doors, and ABET Laminate colour infills in Spring White and California Blue. The colours and material used to give a mature feel in the changing rooms in both fitness and leisure areas. Ojmar OTS Basic locks are user friendly and were used for safety and ease. Overall the Ponteland project speaks for itself as it is aesthetically pleasing and provide high-quality storage solution in wet environments with our glass school lockers.