Here at Helmsman, we are passionate about manufacturing our clients with bespoke carbon-neutral laminate lockers. We provide our clients with the best quality products by building strong partnerships with our suppliers that have the thought of the environment in mind. Due to the environmental issues and global events, we would like to agree that it has made us aware of our decision and increased our protection of the environment.
We have a new partnership with Abet Laminate. Abet Laminate has the thought of environment in mind with the laminate products they provide for clients. As the laminate consists of 70% cellulose and 30% thermosetting resins which can state that the material isn’t classified as a dangerous material for the environment.
We additionally have a partnership with BioCarbon Laminates, which provides sustainable laminate solutions including carbon-neutral laminates. The products are produced in a carbon-neutral manufacturing facility that monitors, controls, and balances carbon emissions reducing them to zero.
Investing in carbon-neutral laminates is a way to reduce carbon emissions which takes part in harming the environment. By investing in purchasing carbon-neutral laminates, it is a way to help the environment such as letting trees absorb carbon.
At Helmsman we provide materials such as Solid Grade Laminate, Glass, Timber, and Metal, which can be recyclable. The material we use to make our products has a long-lasting shelf life which is beneficial for the earth.
We want to make a difference and protect the environment by providing carbon-neutral and other materials that is recyclable for our lockers. To find out more about bespoke lockers that are carbon neutral contact us or call us 01284 530421.